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our crafters 

Huicholes religious philosophy is strongly related to the universe. In their culture, the universe is divided into three entities: the deer, the corn, and the peyote. The art expressions have as a common element the use of yarn to portray diverse symbols with stunning tonalities. Additionally, the colours, the designs and the material carry a lot of importance, as they hold a religious value, for instance, the Brasil tree wood is linked with Tayau (father Sun), and the five petals flower is associated with the rain, good harvest, and health. However, the symbols with major weight in the Huichol culture are the deer and the corn for being the primary source of alimentation, and the peyote, for being the link to the cosmogonic dimension.

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The huichol community is one of the ethnic groups that have remained pure since the spanish conquest. Their yarn pictures, clothes, purses, and objects have had a great acceptance within the national and international market. However, they are short of spaces for selling their products, and the intermediaries who resell them earn far more money than the producers themselves. Therefore in TlapalliCalli we recognise their work’s worth, and pay fairly for it.

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